Q: Got anything cool planned for this summer?
A: I’m going “all in” with the #SummerOfMOVE
Yep. It’s that time folks…..Spring has sprung….new color and life is popping everywhere and that means our 2017 effort is just about ready to launch.
2016 was a SMASHING success:
- Over 200 people who played an active role
- 64 riders from around the country
- 11,000+ miles
- An exponentially growing conversation about prevention and…
- Some truly exceptional stories of people making changes in their health
But we certainly cannot rest on those laurels. The burden is bigger and heavier than ever and if we are going to actually lift it anytime soon we will need more energy, more resources and most of all, more people who are committed to the MOVEment. We need YOU to help us as we take another step forward in our effort to free our friends, family, communities and society-at-large of the massively heavy burden (aka “Yoke”) of chronic disease that we are wearing.
We’ve got some really cool wrinkles planned for this year….including a team-based approach to capture the energy of groups working together, expanding our effort to include all modes of exercise/movement and even a live player draft….and it appears that our “soft launch” yesterday is starting to resonate…..the first 50 sign-ups went fast and captains are rolling in.
But for now, it’s about beginning to assemble the players….
And so….with the #SummerOfMOVE just around the corner — please throw your wings in the ring by completing THIS FORM (to complete in a separate browser) or using the embedded form below.
Thank you for being a part of it…..more to come.